… picture taken in Graz, Austria...

Friday, November 26, 2010

A "Swiss" Thanksgiving

As I am sure many of you suspected, they obviously don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. When Mike and I realized this, we were pretty upset not too have some of our favorite, usual Thanksgiving foods this year. But I was determined despite our very small kitchen, fridge and tiniest oven-that I could pull off a little Thanksgiving meal for us…

Luckily, another American's wife (who has been coming over year for several years), Natalie mentioned that they have a big Thanksgiving gathering every year and invite all of the team, especially the Americans!
…Mike and I were so excited.

So, we spent yesterday there! I had made a vegetable side dish and an apple cinnamon dessert to bring over. I had also gone there a little early (while the guys were at practice) to help Natalie with the preparations as well. We were expecting to feed 12 people total, with a majority of them housing mega metabolisms. There was so much food! Starting with the dinner; there was a 22 lb turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, biscuits, apple sauce, green bean casserole, corn, carrots and a unique African dish that one of the girlfriends made from her heritage. I cannot remember the name of it, mostly because I couldn't pronounce it. It was a soup consistency with vegetables and various types of meat- very good!

Dessert was the grand finale of pumpkin cake, pecan pie, my apple cinnamon cake, and another African dessert that was fabulous and delicious!

Now, after hearing about all of the foods that we ate yesterday, you may be thinking,  "where did we get it, " because we aren't in America! Well, Natalie was able to order the large turkey from a local butcher and several of the other items she had her mom send over from the U.S. Some of these items were canned pumpkin/pumpkin filling, brown sugar, green bean casserole topping, marshmallows, and then several condiments. (Thank you Natalie's Mom!)

Once the eating was over we all gathered in the living room to play a game, "The Wolf game." It was the first time for many of us playing, but we were able to pick up on it fast and had a great fun time. It's a role playing type game where your true identity is kept secret and you have to try and figure out who everyone is while still applying to the rules of the game. We ended up playing about 5, very intense, rounds of the "Wolf Game."

We had such a great "Swiss" Thanksgiving, that we didn't get back home til about 2 am! :)

**Sorry for no pictures…I forgot to bring my camera last night :(

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